The oil fields, the mining operations, and industries in general require electrical power systems with a continuous supply. These systems include the generation, transmission, and distribution toward the load centers. The transmission and distribution is carried out through low, medium, and high voltage lines; and based on the level of voltage, the mounting can be with wooden, steel, or concrete poles. Every year INCRO builds dozens of kilometers of electrical lines, over every type of terrain.
Due to the fact that the power losses are less when the energy is transported at higher voltages, the transformer stations and substations are used to raise and lower the voltage levels according to the necessary function of energy transportation or distribution. INCRO has vast experience in the construction of transformer stations and substations, up to 132kV, of different power levels and configurations, from transformer banks of oil field thermal power plants, to stations connected to pumping systems for dehydration plants, to small feed substations for oil wells.